Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Further Adventures of a Cybronaut (Movie)

Team MALONE has risen to the occasion and completed another 48 hour film slam! MALONE was one of 9 teams who assembled in Bradford, VT on Friday evening. Each were given the same prop (a crutch), location (The Brick Store in Bath, NH), and line of dialogue ("Shut up and give me your pants"). Each alsoteam randomly drew a genre out of a hat, with one chance to redraw. The genres were "heist film,""mistaken identity," "sci-fi fantasy," "mockumentary," and "superhero movie,"which was the one Team MALONE drew.
Beginning at 7:00pm on Friday night, each team had 48 hours to write, direct, edit, and render an entire 7 minute movie. It is a grueling task, and some members of our team got very little sleep. Chico got a grand total of 3 hours, I believe.

Here for your viewing pleasure is our latest effort:

The Further Adventures of a Cybronaut!

There are the other competing teams' submissions! (I will post them as they become available...)
Team Walrus Dice: "Robbery In Progress"
Team Now Shooting: "Dead Drop"
Team Fondue Pneumonia Party: "All the Wonders"
Fairy House Productions: "Miss Taken Identity"
E and E Productions: "Super Annoying"
Team 1215: "A Grave Heist"
Team Old Lady Dancers: "8th Dimension"

Friday, September 13, 2013


Greetings, cybernaut travelers!

Today we opened up an Etsy store!
So, believe it. Right now it's pretty limited, but I believe it will expand rapidly. Feel free to leave me a comment here to request things for me to put up there.

In other news, Team MALONE! is doing another 48 Hour Film Slam in Bradford, Vermont next week. The contest begins on September 20th, and the showing of the finished films is on Sunday the 22nd. Once that's all done, the next issue will be getting my full attention...

Here is the second film we ever made for a 48 Hour Film Slam: