Sunday, December 9, 2012

Glowing Records To Come!

Good eve to you! I did a drawing of one of my favorite cats on the computer. I understand that she's a girl cat. Anywho, I write you with an update that pertains to our next issue. I have received word that a shipment of glow-in-the-dark Caring Babies (Gold Friends) records have been shipped to us. I have started to assemble things for the accompanying record issue, and we have commissioned a coloring book to be made for the project. I think the whole bundle will sell for $5 a piece, so sell something you don't like for five dollars soon.
Now I shall go to upstate New York to a Stewart's to get a bottle of Vichy. Yes, I could probably get some seltzer, baking soda, and salt and mix it myself, but where's the fun in that? Best wishes, granted!
I found you something!
It's a bottle of Vichy!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Employee art!

The Lebanon Co-op in Lebanon, NH is hosting the employee art exhibit this November and December. I've submitted a few works of watercolor to show there. You can see them in the cafeteria area from 7am to 9pm, any day except christmas. The rest of the time, you can't see them. Okay, maybe if you use your flashlight and peer in through the windows. Kudos to all my fellow employees who submitted their own art!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Issue 11: Out to lunch!

A ha! I managed to eek out a fall issue. This is a much tinier one than I have ever done, but there are 14 pages of stuff in there. There's a crossword, and a recipe. It's ridiculous! There are a few reasons for making this change:

1) It allows me to make issues at home if I want, and use recycled material.
2) It fits in a small envelope, and costs 45 cents to ship.
3) The format is a lot easier to work in, and I feel like I'm really maximizing the space.
4)It's a lot cheaper to make, and uses a lot less paper.

So, there you have it. I hope I can get you a copy if you want one. I'm currently working on devising ways to distribute it, but more on that later. Toodles for now, spacefans!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Movie: Winner Of Discontent

Good day, friends and friends of friends. This past thursday, The Wilder Center and CATV hosted the first annual "Halloween-o-Thon" film fest. Team Malone triumphantly returned to compete in this newest video contest, and The Caring Babies returned too and did the soundtrack. Contenders had to submit a 5 minute horror movie with no death or gore, and then engage in brutal hand to hand combat as the films were shown. Team Malone, of course, insisted on competing with one hand tied behind their backs, and came in 3rd place. Good job!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Don't be shrewd!

Good eve, all you kings of the round cup! I am at work on the fall issue of "Oh You!" and boy, I'll be glad when it's out It's a bit past due, admittedly, but I've been doing interesting stuff, okay? Okay. I've decided to go much smaller than usual for this one. I've always had trouble shelling out enough cash to mail issues to everyone I wanted to, but with a smaller issue, I can just buy a book of stamps and be done with it. I'll send them in normal envelopes. My friend, I hope this is good news to you. Also, the animal depicted in the illustration above is an elephant shrew, and elephant shrews are like mini anteaters!
Look what I found you!
It's a neat ad!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Vend-O-Matic 2,000,000

Well, there you have it! I have completed work on series #1 of Cool Monsters. It was a fantastic success, if I do say so myself, and I believe I will continue making glow-in-the-dark monsters for a long time to come. Printing out the booklet for them was pretty fun. As it turns out, layout, folding, & stapling for a smaller magazine goes a lot faster than a full sized one. Also, if you want to get a vending machine, and by george I think you should, go to The Gumball Machine Warehouse. Thank you for your reading glances at this old blog of mine!
Tiny booklets for tiny monsters.

The machine, ready for action, with pods
 & a cover sheet.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Secret art project!

Here's what I've been working on in secrecy for the last week or so. My wife and I have bought a toy pod vending machine called The Vend-O-Matic 2,000,000. Here is one of the things we're going to sell out of it!
Cool Monsters!

Close up!

The Vend-O-Matic 2,000,000!

 (Also, we're going to sell tiny magazines in it later!)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The arduous ninny rides at night!

Well friends, another Bradford, VT 48 Hour Film Slam has come and gone. We had some laughs and we had some epiphanies, but mostly we had lasagna! Our movie was entitled "The Bristlemen" and people liked it just fine, thank you very much!

This is the video in question.

I am currently working on a new art project. Stay tuned, I will unveil it later this very week! Also, production on the record issue continues, we have yet to receive the final product in the mail, but we expect to soon...! -Marty
It's grapeseed oil! The oil what likes it hot!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Keep on bloggin' in the free world!

Okay, so we are going to have a record issue. I just got the test pressings last week, and they sound great! The artist will be The Caring Babies, which is good, because we won't have to worry about copyright release forms or anything! ANYTHING!

The test pressing in question.
Anyway, in other news, Team Malone is planning to do another short for the 48 hour film slam in Bradford,VT this coming weekend. I will be staying up late eating cereal and writing music on my keyboards no doubt. It's always a good time. Anyway, agility to you all on this crazy bike path of life.

Something I found for you!
It's Brallo the cat!

Saturday, September 1, 2012


  All right, settle down you two! A lot has happened since we last left off.
First important thing. I, Matt Mazur, fell in love and got married to Rebecca Weber! Now, we are adventuring! huzzah! In my estimation, this change will only hasten the output of our magazine, as I have already done more work this year than any other calender year.

Rebecca and I at the Valley Flower Company. Thank you to Morgan  for this photograph. We are cute!

  Second important thing, I have sent a record of classic tunes to be pressed! I just received word today that the test pressings are in the mail! You can expect to get another update on Wednesday, when I will reveal that I intend to release another record issue! Oops...
Love, Matt

And something I found for you...

A matching set of gummy bears who are attached!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Omnipotent beings: is there anything they can't do?

So, I'm trying to get back into things I do. Last month I took a trip to the grand Midwest. It was a place of majestic beauty, and I had good adventures with the best traveling companion of all. Rebecca is her name, and she had many midwestern things to teach me! So much of what I saw there was so different from New England, but I was quite charmed. I also moved, so now I live in Vermont again. I hope you all have had a blast of a summer so far, and I hope you drink enough water. May the beaming face of a street performer bring you joy!

Something I found for you!
It's a pair of cufflinks, for your trouble!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Preserve our nation's jams!

Well, it is done! Issue 10 is out and about! Now my attentions turn to the creation of a new companion CD for Oh You. With this compilation finished, I plan on reprinting all of the back issues. This way you can get your hands on a complete collection! I guess this is a food-themed entry. Maybe I'm hungry... We'll see what we've got in the old pantry. Ciao!

I found this for you!
It's a comprehensive treatise on muffins!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

It's so sunny that issue 10 is out!

O shall we believe it? Has it been a season already? The new day brings a new leaf! O magesty! We will soon get our donuts!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Workin' out!

Hard at work on a new issue. Today, a jaunt to New York City. It is only a brief excursion with the Real Life Time Machines! Soon, there will be a magazine...then donuts!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Oh boy! My new car has a smell!

This week was full of flowers and cassettes! So, now it is the time for a concerted effort to get the new issue out by June. Can we do it? You'll find out if you'll observe carefully... Watch as one of our champions gets tape all over his fingers! See a man at a copy shop - it's one of our champions! See contributors hand in folders full of precious documents - they're our champions of the night and day! Stay tuned, bunny bears!

Something I found for you all!
It's a worried-looking unicorn from the uncanny valley!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Musical pirates!

Good day! This post is in honor of pirates of old. My friend Jonee Earthquake is a pirate, and he is the most devoted character in the rock and roll scene here in old new england! He tirelessly plays show after show, no matter how long the drive or how small the prospect of being compensated for gas. He releases singles on a regular basis, each one featuring bonus tracks by local bands. He is a legend as far as I'm concerned, and he has my admiration!

Thank you Jonee Earthquake! This is not a drawing of you!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The elder rat's supper regalia!

Huzzah! Thank you for all your support, everyone. "Team MALONE!" was able to win the popular vote, thanks to all of you and your wacky votes! Also we won the juror's prize, thanks to those adorable jurors!
In the week after production of the movie, our friend Lucas was shot through the butt by a stranger who had a dog. These are indeed strange times. Thanks to everyone who gave the overwhelming support that Lucas received. He is in good health and spirits, and many a joke is being made by him, and in his honor. We adore Lucas and his butt.

Something I found for you!
It's some very fancy slippers!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hoppy time hologram!

Hello again! It is time for another installment of Oh You, the blog! When we last left our viewers last, "TEAM MALONE!" was about to embark on a 48 hour adventure. Their singular mission, to create a short film. All, writing, editing, acting, shooting, and music would have to be done in that short period of time. All would be done in the name of the 48 hour film slam, so thathey might win the prize! 
Pictured here, Team MALONE!

Their mission has drawn to a close. From the smoldering crater, was another diamond retrieved? We may not know yet, but you can be the judge. Simply look up CATV8/10 on Facebook. There you will be able to view all the entries, you will also be able to vote for your favorites and determine the victors. Here is the entry of Team MALONE!
Team MALONE! "Deadly Games of Revenge" from CATV 8/10 on Vimeo.

We simply must thank you for your time and support. I hope you enjoy this viewing, and I will let you know how things pan out for "Team MALONE!"
Pumpkin update!
The pumpkins look like they are weathering the spring!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sleepy time at the Night Diner

   Greetings from the interstellar expanse, were coming at you at great speed. I am currenly readying myself for another 48 hour film slam with TEAM MALONE! It's taking place in White River Junction, and it's bound to be another grueling exercise in film-craft.
   In other significance, The Ultimate Lady Friend and I have been conspiring to do good on the planet we most frequently inhabit. She is spectacular, and her blog is the reason that I blog on a regular basis. I know that if you're someone who is reading this, you most likely owe her at least a small bit of gratitude.
   ReveDreams is the name of her blog, and it covers her creations in crochet, embroidery, and sewing. Also featuring an alchemic host of other craft-related gold. I am including, as part of this post, an excerpt from her most recent post, I hope you enjoy.

Look what I have to show you!
It's a delightful alien!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

That's the blog post up ahead - Your next stop...

Ah, my magnificent cupcakes! Welcome, welcome. So I got to thinking about the robot from Lost In Space, and something occurred to me. If you could have a replica of him in your home, he could serve as a proper fire and carbon monoxide detector, and a coat and hat rack. He could have a pencil sharpener and bottle opener, a gumball machine mode and juke box mode, a nut cracker setting and a popcorn making setting. You would do pretty well if you put a talking encyclopedia in him as well.

A thing I found for you!

It's a toy machine shed so you can have fun!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Crumbs of gold!

Hello, all you shining people. This day, I want to declare that I will put out an Oh You compact disk. It will be in honor of our tenth issue, and hopefully it will help raise money for donuts. Just kidding, I'm trying to raise money for another record issue.
April has been going splendidly. Hannah and Ben's collage show (New!) at the Main St. Museum is currently up. The opening was a smashing success, drawing people from all over the upper valley. Many a piece has been sold, but there are still pieces to be purchased.

I leave you now, with thoughts of my family's tumultuous yawns.

I found this for you.
It's a telephone timer, for your phone call.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Glazed donuts when we've made a magazine!

Yes you heard correctly, We will go out for donuts when issue #10 comes out. Admittedly, that still won't be for a while. However, you have this blog to tide you over, don't you? If you want to get in on this, just let me know. At this point, anything is possible.

Anyway, I'm writing today to recommend some reading for you all, a blog called the Hyper Kitchen. It contains much in the ways of science and technology, as well as science fiction and curiosity. I am often enthralled with what I find there. It belongs to a man who some have called Ben. Ben assembles and curates the Hyper Kitchen, he also does collage!

Something I found for you!
Phone napkins!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Production man remembers toastier times!

Great! That went great, putting out another issue of Oh You! I should do it again, but first, a haircut. So, I guess there isn't too much to report today; but my new issue has been well received, so far as I can tell. Listen, I want to get letters for the next issue
so I can print a "letters to the editor" section. I love real mail, and I will think you're great if you send me some! So, if you're reading this and want to send me your two cents, my address is:
/Matt Mazur/
/64 Mechanic St. Apt. C/
/Lebanon, NH 03766/
Oh yes, pretty please with pancakes on top.

Something I found for you.

It's the pumpkins that survived the porch winter!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

If you go to the olympic event, get gold!

Greetingf folkf!
I juft finifhed ftapling the ninth iffue of Oh You. Thif iffue haf no other contributerf afide from myfelf, but next iffue, there will be feveral! If you feek a copy, you could ftop in the Hanover Coop and afk me for one, or fend me an email at and afk me fweetly.

Here if a clofe up of it!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Great British Muffins!

Amazing! I had a nice dream last night. Hanging out with Chris and Sehan, we decided to got to Ramunto's to get some pizza. The entryway was long and winding. They had set up a series of magnifying mirrors so that you could see the pizza even if you were around the corner, waiting in line. Afterwards, I went walking in a residential area, I saw my friends Scott and Chico. I went up to try and surprise them; just then, a large red balloon descended from the sky. I was surprised "Maybe there's a message in this balloon." I thought to myself. I carefully deflated the balloon. When I stretched out the rubbery vessel, a small scroll dropped from it. I quickly unraveled it to find that it was a collection of comics, drawn on construction paper, taped together with scotch tape. The art was beautiful, the clouds were drawn quite well, I remember. There was also a Troll themed comic. I awoke before I got to read them. Now I need more coffee.